Standing Stallions 2025

The Making Pegasus project crossbreeds 15+ breeds in its quest to create the greatest horse in the world.  Outside genetic contributors must have won an Olympic Gold Medal or a World or National Championship.  This strategic cross breeding resulting in hybrid vigor creates rare genetic lines filled with the best in the world. Breeders who select Making Pegasus Stallions find they can add or emphasize nearly any trait their mares may lack.

The 1st track is 'Pegasus' itself, the Ultimate Horse! ‘Pegasus' is a horse of jaw-dropping size, elite genetic and trained athleticism in terms of strength, speed, endurance, agility, temperament and grace, with all the elements of equine beauty including proportionality, soundness, heavy feather, mane, tail, noble head, neck and ear set, unique coat colors and patterns, unique eye colors, intelligence, genetic depth, breadth and absence of genetic disorders.  

The 2nd track is the fastest horse in the world. Not the fastest Arabian, nor the fastest Quarter horse nor the fastest Thoroughbred; simply the fastest horse regardless of current breed classifications. The basic formula is large athletic Warmbloods bred with the racing Quarter Horse for the short distance burst speed, the Thoroughbred for its mid distance speed, the racing Arabian for its endurance and great hooves.

The 3rd track is the ‘Super Draft’, which is a hybrid composite consisting of 1/4 Belgian, 1/4 Clydesdale, 1/4 Percheron and 1/4 Shire.